Our first live aboard dive trip – we are forever spoiled for any future trips. The staff has been top notch, friendly, helpful, available, knowledgeable. The wait staff is very accommodating and works hard to get order right. Loved the Indonesian dishes, sauces, spices. Dive master know when to find the tiniest critters and work to make sure everyone get a chance to see them. Thank you to Sadat and Jefri. And big thanks to the dive boat crews who always have our equipment together and remind us to “check, check”.
Thank you to Karl for his expertise and hard work finding us dive locations that will be ours alone. Lots of behind the scene work to do for.
That! The boat, itself is a difficult – the hot water is amazing and the cabins and common rooms well appointed, comfortable, and attractive. I will miss this boat and the people who we met on this wonderful journey to Raja Ampat. Raja Ampat, February 2018

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