Our trip on the Seven Seas was extra special due to the charm and hard work of the crew. Karl was an exceptional cruise director, and I would go on any trip that he was leading! He showed photographers a critter and non-photographers another critter to reduce overload at one spot. His interactions with the passengers and the crew were outstanding. We always felt safe on a dive after listening to his briefing and knowing that the crew would be there to pick us up. The crew members worked exceptionally hard during our trip, all we had to do was dive! I was amazed at their strength and stamina, their work ethic, and their positive attitudes. Ya-ya and John took excellent care of us in the dining room–and between meals as well, serving us special treats that Juli prepared for us in the kitchen. Everyone worked well together and tried to please the passengers in so many ways. Yes, we definitely want to come on another Seven Seas dive trip, with Karl as our cruise director if possible. Komodo, September 2009.

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