The Seven Seas is turning into a second home, and what a second home it is!!!! Absolutely MAGIC!!! Wherever we go, we feel completely safe and looked after with the best care possible, the perfect mix of professional and smiles bigger than the universe, always from the heart. An excellent CREW, Dive Guides and Cruise Directors are essential to a successful dive operation, and you have the absolutely best of the best anybody can wish for!! The food, especially the Indonesian menus, ar absolutely delicious and the boat a dream! Raja Ampat has always been high on my list and we were so very lucky to have a full 16 days on board …… the visibility was stunning, the soft and hard corals magnificent and very dense, the fish life unbelievably prolific, the critters completely amazing and the oceanic mantas an absolute dream. Of course, the diving quality was in the extremely able hands of Karl and Linda and of our “eagle-eyed” dive guides, Tomy and Irwan. Without them, even Raja Ampat would only have been half as good!! The unique Seven Seas crew got us always back on board safely and most efficiently, even in big seas! The best of the best! Thank you, Terimakasih from the bottom of my heart! The Seven Seas and her team absolutely rock! I will be back! Raja Ampat, March 2013.

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