Hi Jos, Mark and Seven Seas Team members,
As they say, “All’s Well That Ends Well”. And, with all the pre sail and post sail activity needed to assuage our paranoia about Mt. Agung, my trip certainly ended WELL ! The office team accomplished small miracles in schedule changes and the onboard team made the trip wonderful. Your experience and professionalism was apparent at every turn. Difficult dive situations were accomplished safely and comfortably. Meals were great. Dive crew was attentive and well prepared.
I would clearly recommend your operation to anyone who might consider diving with the very best available. I have over a thousand dives history over a forty year career. And on this trip I saw other boats and watched as they led divers into, what I considered questionable, potentially dangerous scenarios. Not once could I criticize Seven Seas dive preparation or execution. Your experience and attention to safety should be on a flag atop the mast of your beautiful vessel!
I wish you well and both success and prosperity into the future. I hope to see you all again.
Best Regards,
Tom Urban

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