Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat Adventure 2019/2020

By Luc & Brigitte Rooman​. It all started with the contest Our World Underwater 2019 where I got the message that my photo “Mating Frogs” was named BEST OF SHOW and winner of 2 weeks Raja Ampat on the Seven Seas – a dream became reality. From 22 Dec 2019 to 3 Jan 2020 we […]

Raja Ampat Adventure 2019/2020 Read More »

By Luc & Brigitte Rooman​. It all started with the contest Our World Underwater 2019 where I got the message that my photo “Mating Frogs” was named BEST OF SHOW and winner of 2 weeks Raja Ampat on the Seven Seas – a dream became reality. From 22 Dec 2019 to 3 Jan 2020 we

Raja Ampat Colors

By Alex del Olmo. We just finished an exciting adventure around the Forgotten Islands, cruised right through the Banda Sea with beautiful weather, and had a stop-over in the Spice Islands to visit Banda Neira, tasted the nutmeg in its different variation and learned a bit more about the story of these islands tightly woven

Raja Ampat Colors Read More »

By Alex del Olmo. We just finished an exciting adventure around the Forgotten Islands, cruised right through the Banda Sea with beautiful weather, and had a stop-over in the Spice Islands to visit Banda Neira, tasted the nutmeg in its different variation and learned a bit more about the story of these islands tightly woven

Snorkeling Raja Ampat in 2021

By Mark Heighes. Photos by Tommy Schultz. Many of our trips to date have been operated mainly as dive trips with snorkeling on the side. The diving has often taken priority, and snorkelers were taken to the most suitable spots in the vicinity of our preferred dive sites. More recently though we have been getting

Snorkeling Raja Ampat in 2021 Read More »

By Mark Heighes. Photos by Tommy Schultz. Many of our trips to date have been operated mainly as dive trips with snorkeling on the side. The diving has often taken priority, and snorkelers were taken to the most suitable spots in the vicinity of our preferred dive sites. More recently though we have been getting

Seven Seas Sailing Adventure from Kaimana to Sorong

I’m Tom Roberts, my dad brought me on the Seven Seas for the first time. It was my first time on a sailing boat and it was really special boat because it wasn’t any ordinary boat it was an Buginese pirate boat. Even better I had to miss two weeks of school other though dad

Seven Seas Sailing Adventure from Kaimana to Sorong Read More »

I’m Tom Roberts, my dad brought me on the Seven Seas for the first time. It was my first time on a sailing boat and it was really special boat because it wasn’t any ordinary boat it was an Buginese pirate boat. Even better I had to miss two weeks of school other though dad

“That was my favorite dive ever!” – Raja Ampat, January 2019

By Melissa and Brandon Cole. Photos and video by Alex del Olmo. “That was my favorite dive ever!” Our friend Kari’s excited proclamation upon surfacing, and her accompanying smile, says it all. From the first dive at Andiamo in the Daram Islands southeast of Misool, to the last dive at Blue Magic in Dampier Strait,

“That was my favorite dive ever!” – Raja Ampat, January 2019 Read More »

By Melissa and Brandon Cole. Photos and video by Alex del Olmo. “That was my favorite dive ever!” Our friend Kari’s excited proclamation upon surfacing, and her accompanying smile, says it all. From the first dive at Andiamo in the Daram Islands southeast of Misool, to the last dive at Blue Magic in Dampier Strait,

Whalesharks of West Papua with #Legends of the Deep

By Wendy Morris and Kerry Lorimer. Photos by Hayley Baillie and Dr Mark Erdmann. Exploring the wild and remote Birds Head of West Papua is to step into a world that is little changed from the time of Alfred Russell Wallace and his discoveries around this epicentre of tropical biodiversity. Rugged, jungle-clad mountains fall steeply

Whalesharks of West Papua with #Legends of the Deep Read More »

By Wendy Morris and Kerry Lorimer. Photos by Hayley Baillie and Dr Mark Erdmann. Exploring the wild and remote Birds Head of West Papua is to step into a world that is little changed from the time of Alfred Russell Wallace and his discoveries around this epicentre of tropical biodiversity. Rugged, jungle-clad mountains fall steeply

Alex del Olmo: “Not just a regular Cruise Director”

By Christina Macaulay. Seven Seas January 2019 Voyage, Raja Ampat. We sailed with 13 divers. Mostly advanced. Two VERY nervous beginners. And one incredible Cruise Director and Dive Master: Alex How to explain having an experience of such kindness and encouragement from someone with so much diving knowledge? Alex’s passion for his job, his team,

Alex del Olmo: “Not just a regular Cruise Director” Read More »

By Christina Macaulay. Seven Seas January 2019 Voyage, Raja Ampat. We sailed with 13 divers. Mostly advanced. Two VERY nervous beginners. And one incredible Cruise Director and Dive Master: Alex How to explain having an experience of such kindness and encouragement from someone with so much diving knowledge? Alex’s passion for his job, his team,

Raja Ampat: Technicolor Symphony

By Sonia Goggel and her group. Photos by David George. You know it’s a fantastic dive site when you can’t see the sharks for the anchovies. Rivers of anchovies flashing silver and blue in the light –so dense we couldn’t see each other at times, much less the patrolling grey reef sharks a bit further

Raja Ampat: Technicolor Symphony Read More »

By Sonia Goggel and her group. Photos by David George. You know it’s a fantastic dive site when you can’t see the sharks for the anchovies. Rivers of anchovies flashing silver and blue in the light –so dense we couldn’t see each other at times, much less the patrolling grey reef sharks a bit further

My First Trip as Cruise Director – Windy Crossing

By Alex del Olmo. I was very excited to start my first trip as a Cruise Director on the Seven Seas. I was already on board two times as a guest, then for two months supported Karl, and then cruised 15 days with Mark, learning from them all the time. Of course this is a

My First Trip as Cruise Director – Windy Crossing Read More »

By Alex del Olmo. I was very excited to start my first trip as a Cruise Director on the Seven Seas. I was already on board two times as a guest, then for two months supported Karl, and then cruised 15 days with Mark, learning from them all the time. Of course this is a

Seven Seas Donation to Manta Conservation East of Flores

Earlier this month, Indonesian non-profit, Misool Foundation, welcomed guests from the Seven Seas as they passed through on a 2-week liveaboard trip. The group of 14 visited our programme office in East Flores to learn more about our work with the manta hunting community of Lamakera. Larantuka is the base for Misool Foundation’s ‘Savu Sea

Seven Seas Donation to Manta Conservation East of Flores Read More »

Earlier this month, Indonesian non-profit, Misool Foundation, welcomed guests from the Seven Seas as they passed through on a 2-week liveaboard trip. The group of 14 visited our programme office in East Flores to learn more about our work with the manta hunting community of Lamakera. Larantuka is the base for Misool Foundation’s ‘Savu Sea