Seven Seas leaves me almost speechless! This was my first adventure leaving my country and coming to a liveaboard. It was more than I ever dreamed it could be. The entire crew was amazing -warm, loving, funny, helpful. They truly care about the experience. Alex is a wonderful guy who clearly loves his team. Jeffry, Celi, Ardhi, Di Di, Big John, Little John and ALL the others are truly wonderful souls! I knew when I committed to a dive trip in Raja Ampat that I would be taking a trip of a lifetime. What I didn’t expect were the laughs and love I would share in 2 weeks at sea. The sky was beautiful, the ship exceeded my expectations, the dives were incredible and the hikes were stunning!
Much love to the Seven Seas family, you are truly the very B-E-S-T
Raja Ampat, December 2019.