What a Wonderful World

By Candra Dewi – Operational Director Seven Seas

Time flies, huh? Can you believe it’s December already and there goes 2017! Feels like it all happened just in a blink of an eye!!! My first born is in high school and my baby boy turned 7 years old this year. I remember when I held them in my arms, changing diapers and now, they just wave me goodbye “Bye, Ibu… Have a good they at work” as I dropped them in school and most of the times I have to pleaded them for that little kisses I have missed before they got off the car.

As I arrived in the office, I would say Hi to my trusted kimosabe Ms. Guteri Ganggus and of course my all time go to my colleague Mr. Mansuetus Muta….. the two very person that I can always rely on in any conditions.

Settling down, make myself a cup of coffee and we would go through matters of the day. After that I would be selecting my playlist. I have arranged them in accordance to my mood or different activities of my days. There would days when I need a boost from Ray Charles or The Doors’ Light My Fire… especially on Logistic Day…. Hahahahahaa.

The perks of having boat embarking from remote area such as Saumlaki. For you that haven’t even heard of Saumlaki, it’s located just below Ambon and on top of Darwin. From Denpasar, you have to catch a flight through Makassar, then Ambon, then Saumlaki. There are only 2 (two) Indonesian Airlines flying there, Lion Air and Garuda Indonesia.

As you may have already known, our cruise takes about 12-15 days. Apart from the diving, of course, our priority would be ensuring that you have enough to eat for the energy you will need with the freshest and best quality ingredients. Here is the part where I would let The Doors to take over my day. Sourcing the ingredients from different suppliers, inspect the quality, make sure they have the right specification requested by our Chef on board, ensure packing process is done correctly, dealing with quarantine process as fresh ingredients flying here and there would need the right supporting documents in all airports and ports they go through and….. last but not least… make sure those boxes get on the plane to reach the destination on time.

Now you would understand why I need Jim Morrison to stand by my side, holding my hands through all those adrenaline pumping process, right?

Once all that done, there will be monitoring the flights and contacting the crew whether the goods have arrived safely and they have everything they need for the trip. The most beautiful and soothing sound would be the Captain confirming everything is fine and they’re set to go. By this time, I would say Hi to Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World”.

Then I would go back to my laptop, go through and answering all of your emails make sure all enquiries are attended to and all papers are signed, ensure the world goes around as it supposed to, at least on our part of the world. I hope you have had a blast of 2017 just like I did and enjoying your trip with us.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at the office and we look forward to welcoming you in our cruise.

With warmest regards from The Seven Seas Office,

Candra Dewi



To reserve your spots or see available trips, please check out our schedule page :

Schedule & Availability

Please also don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] should you require any further information or need recommendations for accommodation or flights etc. Our reservation  team would be more than happy to assist. Cheers!
