An Experience of a Lifetime

By Tori Zirinsky.

On December 23 I embarked on the Seven Seas, ready for an experience of a lifetime. My travel companions, my brother, our mum and her partner, had made this trip before in 2015 and raved about it upon their return. In an attempt to recreate the trip, my mum and her partner took me on a live-aboard in Myanmar. In no way did that prepare me for the outstanding trip aboard the Seven Seas.

The experienced and always friendly crew greeted us before Director Karl briefed the total of 13 passengers. Our first dive of the trip exhibited the high level of skill of the dive guides Irwan and Sadat.

The second day of the trip, anchored around the island of Misool, proved an outstanding day of diving, which I would soon learn was to be standard of the entire trip. The dives throughout this region and others including in the Dampier Strait and Waigeo were simply stunning; the mantas and mobulas, Cephalopods, Crustaceans, pygmy seahorses, translucent shrimp and mantis shrimp, reef fish, schooling fish, turtles, lionfish, moray eels, barracudas, sharks, nudibranchs, pipefish, scorpionfish, crocodilefish and many others, not mentioning the gorgeous reef with magnificent hard and soft corals.

The luxurious boat provides spaces to read, chat, sunbathe or chill out. It is a total detox from life.  The variety and high standard of food satisfied even the pickiest of eaters. I know that this experience has spoiled me as no other live aboard can compare. It was during this trip that I celebrated my 18th birthday among much pomp and fanfare from the crew. What a way to enter adulthood.

Tori Zirinsky
February 2018



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