Exploring Komodo Deep South

Discovering the Untouched Splendor of  Komodo Deep South


Nestled within the sprawling Indonesian Archipelago, Komodo National Park is a gem that beckons adventurers from across the globe. While the northern and central regions have long captivated visitors with their rugged beauty and rich biodiversity, the Komodo Deep South, or the southern part of Komodo National Park, remains one of the marine world’s best-kept secrets. The remote southern waters are less traveled, offering pristine conditions and unique wildlife encounters for those daring enough to explore them.


The Call of the Wild Seas

The south Komodo, which is accessible during the more tranquil sea conditions between December and March, presents a different face of the Komodo National Park. Here, the waters teem with rich, nutrient-filled currents that attract a diverse array of marine life. For divers and snorkelers, this means unparalleled opportunities to interact with the underwater world in its most raw and vibrant state.

Dive Into Diversity

The diving sites in south Komodo are characterized by their cooler temperatures and nutrient-rich waters, which foster a unique biodiversity that differs markedly from the northern parts of the park. Expansive coral gardens, dramatic underwater landscapes, and pinnacles await those who venture here.

Cannibal Rock, one of the standout dive sites, is renowned for its lush, soft corals and dense schools of fish. You might find yourself enveloped by clouds of anthias and fusiliers, while larger marine life such as manta rays and Napoleon wrasse make occasional appearances.

Torpedo Alley offers a different allure, famous for its fascinating macro life. Night dives here reveal the weird and wonderful creatures of the deep, including torpedo rays and bobtail squids, making it a dream site for underwater photographers.


Beyond Diving: Richness Above and Below

The adventure in the south Komodo extends beyond its waters. The rugged islands are lined with pink sand beaches, a rare sight that adds to the mystique of the area. The arid, hilly landscapes are home to the iconic Komodo dragons, and visitors can witness these ancient creatures in their natural habitat, a truly primal spectacle.

Sailing with Purpose

Exploring the south Komodo isn’t just about adventure; it’s about doing so responsibly. We prioritize eco-friendly practices and support conservation efforts. Our vessel is equipped to provide educational resources about the marine environment and its preservation, enhancing your experience by coupling it with awareness and responsibility.

Ready to Explore?

The Komodo Deep South itinerary is a destination that promises adventure, beauty, and the thrill of discovery. It’s a surreal world where every dive and every island visit can offer something extraordinary. For those prepared to dive a little deeper and drift a little further, this remote paradise offers the ultimate reward: a personal encounter with one of the planet’s most incredible and undisturbed natural environments.

As you plan your next diving trip, consider the untamed wilderness of Komodo’s southern waters. Whether you’re gazing at the vibrant life under the waves or the prehistoric dragons roaming the islands, the Komodo Deep South trip guarantees an adventure that’s anything but ordinary. Connect with us today to book your spot on this limited-capacity expedition and dive into the heart of marine biodiversity. [TSS]



To reserve your spots or see available trips, please check out our schedule page :


Please also don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] should you require any further information or need recommendations for accommodation, flights, etc. Our reservation  team would be more than happy to assist. Cheers!
